Sunday, March 15, 2009

Today at church xD

Hello there xD

i just got back from church and yeah im about to go to Jenna's house....So..
Today at church i was confusing tera by talking super fast xD
She was all 'Dylan told Mary to tell Dana to tell me that him and his ex girlfriend were making out in church last week' ( at normal Speed) and im like 'uhhh.... WELL MY FRIENDS COUSINS FRIENDS SISTERS FRIEND IS COMING OVER TODAYY!' (fast) and shes like 'uhh...HUH?' and im like 'ooh i beat you at the confusing game, im gooooood' and shes like 'well...uhh.... I FEEL LIKE IM NOT LEAVING DYLAN ALONE BY LEAVING DYLAN ALONE' and im lkke 'okay' and shes alll 'youre sposed to be like awww its alright its gonna be okayy, there there' and i repeated. and shes like 'UGHHH! *storms off* and dylan came up to me and was like 'what was that all about ' and im like oh she told me to pinch her if she talked to you and yeahhh' and then he left....

I also made anna upset by telling her that her boyfriend was ugly....goops? lmao, he is. I also told Michal that her boyfriend looked gay and now shes mad at meee....yeah....

I have started to miss my 3rd grade best friend, Caitlyn. She was heard from in July 2006.. Today i got hate mail. YAYYY!! I've always wanted hate mail!!! I have recently been called a Major JB stalker.... and yesterday I RAN INTO A FREAKING WALL!!! I was bringing something to my mom and i ran into the wall and my friend laughed at me and called me a blonde and i wasnted to slap the heck out of her!!

i took a little survey......and im 126% GIRLY?!? I AM NOTT!!! Am i? AM I? I CANT BE! I DONT WANNA BE! Im not girly. im NOT girly at all. NOPE.

..ANYWAYYYYY... My cousin's ex boyfriend got arrested yesterday!!!! but i didnt really pay attention to what he did....idk!!

Okay well earlier my friend left me for MCDONALDS. How rude is that? Lmao, it was mean.

OOkay so like its time to go to Jen's house now.Buh BYeee! xD

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE FOB!! fob fob!!!

    u should listne to more of them!! LOLOLOLOLL!!!


    i like laughing~


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