Monday, January 12, 2009


UGH! im so MAD at myself!!!! I missed last night when the Jonas Brothers were on the little Golden Globes Award thingers!!! Well, i did see it, but on youtube...and I loved what they was AWESOME! Uhm, at church yesterday i worked in the nursery and got tackled by toddlers...and when we weren't looking, somone climbed into the sink!!! It was INTENSE! Hahaaa. I got ran into by this kid named Alec, and apparantly in school theres a new flute player! Ugh. She must go.... My friend got kicked out of his school the other day and now he has to go to my old school! haha! He is HORRIBLE. lol. He shoots cats, chases people with bebe gun things, Paints lockers, throws bricks at people, and chases people with lit sparklers...and that was in ONE week. SOO, now I will hurt him everytime he does such things. MUAHAHAHAHA!

Okay I'm not liking this so far. Uhm. I have no idea what's wrong with Selena Gomez. WHY? WHY must people hate her? I think she is just awesome. Anyone know why she's hated? Anyone? Guess not. And Taylor Swift, I have no problems with her either. She shouldn't have been like she was, but I think that's alright, even though I choose Joe's side. Hm, OH today i realized that Mariah is also my sisters name. A few minutes ago i learned who pushy is. That made much sense. Finally. Uhm. I think I will go now. Goodbye America. Wait. No. Whoever is reading this, I guess.


  1. thank you for not liking him

  2. Hey

    sozzie i didn't mean you i didn;t even know that you were a twilight hater!! i don;t mind it's just when people go on and on and rub things in your face!!

    Sozz i scared you!!

    Lv Charlie

  3. mariah is my name.... pushy is my buddy...

    i think im missing something here.... lol!

    i will consult with pushy the new reversable shoe thing... that would rock!!! haha!! and jonas/land/island is very fantabulicious!! u can join there if u like! 301 people.. unless ur a duck bird? or a jonas brother??lol!!

    ur friend sounds... uh... nice....

  4. i dunno why pushy hates selena gomez? i just ignore her wen she hates on her. i have a logical reason 4 my dislike of taylor swift

  5. Hey!! tanx for your good luck message!! i think it really helped me stay sane!! i nearly had a nervy b!!

    Lv Charlie

  6. omj!! picky (mariah) is sooo silly. i have a logical reason for hating selena:
    i must hate her for some reason. so i must have a good reason for hating her if its soo complicated i dont know why i hate her. Its NOT that people say shes dating nick. i wouldnt mind someone dating nick. if demi did that would be fine.
    ps i have decided to tell chuck taylor about reversable converse. we can split the money!
    go to my blog and follow!!
    sincerely pushy,

  7. HI PUSHY!!!!!!

    another live chat?? OMG!!!! AYAYAY!!! thank u 4 telling me!... crud thats my bithday party... and ill be at the mall... that sux.. im gunna... uhhh... steal an iPhone and use it and then return it after the live chat is over!! lol!!

    u can come 2 jonas land life world... whatever... whenever u want!!! loL!


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