Thursday, April 16, 2009

Urghh >:|

Umm, hey.

This week's been all..blech, for me.

Well, On Easter, Nick got himself hurt...
I won't say how, but let's just say he's got a few broken things...
Ummm, yeah..

And Emily left yesterday for New Orleans; for God knows how long. I'm pretty much ALONE.

and IMMA SICK :(

Stupid! I hate being sick; especially this week;;

Oh my goodness.

Im getting more boring; arent I?

I am.

Urghh I feel so out of the loop with life for some reason..


Ive got likee. 3 friends.

Thats not cool.
Wanna give me a life?

You should.

Imma gonna go now.

Have a nice day.


  1. You wanna hear boring? I have to take summer school. ummm... Can you get more boring??? Don't feel bad!!!

  2. ur not boring..
    but if u'd like a life, i suggest this:

    wut do u feel like being? lets say u wanna b a Ninja. so, your a ninja? okay.
    take a sticky note, and write ninja on it. then stick it on your forehead, walk around pointing at it and yelling, "I'm a Ninja!!"

    that is how you get a life! hahahalolololo!!

    that will be 300$ thank u!lololololololol


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