Sunday, April 12, 2009

Convention; Blondeage; Retarded in Dairy Queen; William the Hot red Hat Guy;; Happy Easter:)

Alright; I havent posted very much lately. On Friday at about 8am we went to convention in Alexandria and got back yesterday at about 4:30.
Honestly, It was pretty awesome.

--The Bus Ride

;About 3 hours. I was close to the front, taylor and dillon and them were in the back.

Ahh, it was great. Aly was close to me, and everyone joined in our conversation about her baby's name. Kyle thinks it should be Kyle; dillon thinks it should be dylan; Melanie wants it to be melanie; and yeah... Kyle also wants to be the Godfather. Someone threw out the name 'Fore' and that would mean the name is 'Fore Head'.

We talked about some hilarious things and i dont remember all of them, sadly.

Dillon put his hair in a pony tail; with a headband. MY pony tail holder. MINE.
One of the adults, Ronnie, was really funny. He and Kyle started rapping together, and later, he was playing with a Mcdonalds Toy..lmfao.

Alec was screaming at me like the whole time, haha.

Dude, when we arrived, we like almost ran over everyone, so, we made quite an enterance :)

--At Convention

Once we arrived; we went to service, from about 1:30-4:30. Wee got to do what we chose from 5-6:45. We took our showers; then went to dillon and talked, then talked to kristina and Sarah. Then left.

Service from 7:00-11:00. We then had a choice to go to Dairy Queen or Sonic. About everyone went to sonic, i went to Dairy Queen with Dana, Mariah, Taylor, Brittany, Samantha, Kristina, Sarah, and Daniel.

Oh my gosh. Dairy Queen was AWESOME. I got french fries. Lmfao.
We met like THE dumbest blonde in the line. Her name was Summer. She asks what church we go to. We say 'The Crossing Place' She asks 'Wheres that?' We reply with 'Morgan city' And shes like staring at us confused and shes like "uh nevermind..." then mariah asks where shes from and she tells us, then she says she doesnt know where the Gulf of Mexico is. Lmfao. So thennn Samantha, Mariah, and Brittany try to tell her. Shes still confused so we just forget about it.
Samantha then tries to convince her that shes friends with Miley Cyrus...LMFAO it worked.

Summer then sat down, and about 3 of us followed her and talked to her and her 4 friends.
One of those friends happened to have a very nice red hat on.

Then Samantha HAS to bring me away from the table and whisper in my ear, 'he was so hitting on you. I know it. He was hitting on you. the guy in the red hat.' and im like 'uh.. no he wasnt.'

dude. Red hat guy. Was hot.

And thenn i walk back over with them. They tell us their names; I didnt remember them.

So now they have to leave. I walk to Kristina's table. MELANIE WANTS THE GUY THATS WORKINGS NUMBER. Lmfao, Samantha and Kristina ask him. He gives it to her.
We walk back to the bus with everyone and drive to the hotel.

We walk in the room; and I call emily.THEN, she almost tells Samantha and Dana that me and Nick are dating.
It was close O.o

I then talk about Red hat Guy's red hat and how much i want it constantly.

--The Next Day; Walking into the convention center

I was looking for 'Red Hat Guy' and his group Everywhere.

We walk in a row and im looking up for him, and I look in the row behind us. I was like SUPER SHOCKED. I stood, pointed at Red Hat Guy, and Yelled "RED HAT GUY!".

He looked at me strangely. I sit back down, and he looks at me.

I ask Summer and His sister what his name is.
She tells me 'William, Why?' and im like 'oh, nothing' and she just asks,'You like him?'
I say no.

Guy starts preaching, so i turn around.
Samantha decides to tell Sarah and Kristina, 'Oh my gosh, some guy hit on Michaela and all she cares about is is hat.'
So i just keep looking ahead.

Later in the service, Kristina asks me 'you like him?' and im like 'Noo.' and shes like "Oh. Well, he likes you. Alot.' so i just turn around and ignore her.

After service, we left. and He wasnt there:(

We had a fun bus ride back. But I dont feel like typing every funny detail and bboring you to death.

I miss William and his cool hat.

I like. SEARCHED HIM. on Myspace.

Im a stalker; But i still miss him.

..and might never see/talk to him again.

It's rather depressing.


Happeh Easter =D

Have a nice one?

I didd.
We went to my Nanny's, and ate. Then, My cousin, Melissa's boyfriend, Matt, came over.

We left at likee, 4:30.

Imm bored. I think imma go watch tv.

Peaceeee xD


  1. Hey Happy Easter to you too!

  2. Okay.............. i wanna meet red hat guy and tell him talk to u cuz that was rude.

    okay,i c that nick is talking 2 u now.. cuz he has a comment!! hhahaha!!

  3. Awww.... Somebody's in looooovvveeeee!!!!!!

  4. yayayaya!! i just would think of something and then i would write it down in billy-gary context!!!


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