Wednesday, April 1, 2009




Im cold;
right now.

I have to read a book :[

but im not gonna :)

Cause its not one of those awesome nonboring fun absolutely addicting books..
Its one of those boring nonexciting dropdead noninteresting stupid ugly stinky books.

All of my twilight loving friends of mine have been ganging up on me trying to get me to watch; and like twilight. SO today I plan on watching the horrible movie on youtube. I hopefully won't like it.


Friday im going to jennas for her birthday party and theres gonna be like a bunch of people i dont know. lmfaoo.
Yesterday I was talked to about twilight. Emily kept on repeating on msn,'He wants to bite her. I know he does. He wants to bite her. but she doesnt care. so its okay. HE WANTS TO BITE HER. HE KNOWS HE DOES. BUT SHE DOESNT CARE. HE WANTS TO BITE HER. I KNOW IT. HE WANTS TO BITE HER.' and im like oh SHUT THE FREAKING JUICE BOXES UP and she keeps on saaying it. I wanted to kill her.

Yaaaaaay. I didnt go to Michael's 13th birthday party. xD

I was...


and. yeah.

Yesterday wasnt a very cool day for Nick.

Nick lost his family this week, and was almost sent to a foster home. It was a sad thing.
We talked for about 10 minutes..
Then he left; and 15 minutes later he came back and told me he was staying with his neighbors. He was... Excited and spinning in chairs and stuff.. it was kinda strange; but okay.
After that, his neighbor made him go to bed because of testing...

I remind him of a best friend who commited suicide a few weeks ago. It's a sad thing. He told emily that's why we fight so much.

So yeahh. He still doesnt know I know about the deaths in his life.

Well; I have to go.


  1. oh gosh. that's sad about nick. ummm... you probably don't want to hear it, but twilight was a really good movie with really BAD camera work. Seriously, the camera work sucked!

  2. yay someone who doesnt like twighlight either!


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